Being an all-rounder, Damian changed from running a restaurant to running his own roofing and roof restoration business. Then disaster struck: two years ago, he suffered a severe mental breakdown. “I don’t mind talking about it” he said, “it’s one of the most horrifying experiences”. Professional treatment allows him to steadily rebuild his life. “Joining the team at the shed has been massively helpful to improve my condition, it has real benefits for me. The beauty of my coming here is that I can work within a group of friends, in a no-pressure environment. And I know that my work results in helping other people”.
In his spare time, Damian enjoys Golf, spending quality time with his children and listening to music, such as George Michael. And he reads and watches… Astro-physics science related stuff, such as Brian Cox and Sean Caroll…
Good to have you on our team, Damian!