
President's Message

Andy Bell
member photo
Giday Surfers Sunrise Rotary members, fellow Rotarians and friends of Rotary.
It never fails to amaze me how quickly Sunday afternoon, when i write this report, comes around.
We had our first official meeting of the year last Wednesday. Franz had asked me to speak to the club about the first 6 months of my Presidency. I took the opportunity to highlight the hard work and achievements of our members. i also used the forum to outline the power and relevance of Rotary's Four Way Test. If we all were able to live our lives as per the intent of this mantra, the world would be a far better place.
It was pleasing to welcome Elizabeth Celi and Charles Thomasson back from extended overseas holidays. I have just spoken with Ross Augustine who arrived home safe and well from a month away in Europe. All had a great time but were pleased to be home. Australia is still the best country in the world to live.
At our last meeting it was agreed unanimously to accept Bevan Sims as a member of the Club. He will be formally inducted at our next formal meeting.
i received notification from Rotary International that our great club, as per the 16 January, has been in existence for 38 years, having been chartered on this date in 1987. It is pleasing that we still have some Charter Members of the Club who are very active within the club. Not least is Franz Huber, Peter Morgan and Ralph Pownall, with Graeme issaacson our first additional member, joining shortly afterwards. Great effort guys. We need to start planning the 40th celebrations in the next few months. [See charter photo in Download files on the right. Ed.]
Remember, 'nothing changes if nothing changes' and  'do as you fear most'.
Andy Bell 🔔
President 2024-25
So, our social meetings are just a light weight yak yak?
As President Andy outlined at last week's club assembly, often at our social meetings a lot of club business is discussed, arrangements are made, questions are being asked in an informal way and thus problems are not only solved but can be prevented from becoming problems in the first place. And now, our visitor from Korea, Lee Dong Myeong, intends to suggest something similar at his club!

OK sure, the Australian Open and more specifically the performances of your favourite athlete might get a mention or two, and Doug Lipps's horse performance at Saturday's race, and your most (or least) or your most annoying road user sins, and... and...   So, be there this coming Wednesday!
St John's Crisis Centre: could we organise a monthly lunch?
At last week's club assembly, Mario Fairlie highlighted the gigantic effort of the volunteers at St John's Crisis Centre to bring some Christmas spirit to disadvantaged families. As you know, every year our club contributes some presents to make up a room full of bags and boxes, ready for assembly into some 250 hampers. But did you know the gigantic effort require to put them together? Some 70 volunteers tailor the hampers (yes, tailor them to ensure the presents match the age of the children). 
Mario also came up with an interesting idea for a Community Service project: Running a monthly luncheon for the homeless at St John's. Now, here is an idea! Will it catch on? As always, it needs to be organised and it needs people...
Join us at 'Music in the Park' - Sunday 2nd February
The First Rotary Social Event of 2025! Social Convenor Adrian Crowe invites you, family and friends to join us at the upcoming 'Music in the Park', on 2nd February.
Where: Paradise Point Parklands - opposite the Paradise Point shopping centre
When:  Sunday 2 February, 2 to 5 pm
Entertainment by "The Vinyl Revival" playing 60's and 70's music
It is sponsored by the City Council and is FREE. Arrival early and enjoy a picnic before the entertainment starts It is BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) - Table, chairs or a picnic rug, food, drinks, wine, family etc.  There is a shopping centre right across the road.  Two fish and chip shops, Billy's chicken, Pizza and a number of coffee shops.
Duty Roster
Duty Roster - note: subject to change - please check every week.  Note: Fellowship duty also is expected to be at the Project Shed on the Saturday following the meeting
22/01/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
29/01/2024Ralph PownallPaul SeymourPaul Smith
05/02/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
12/02/2025Charles ThomassonNeil ThurlowChris Thurtell
19/02/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
26/02/2025Trent BellingRoss AugustineSimon Brook
05/03/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
Inspirations - well, sort of... 220125
So I got a new job as a Church Bell Ringer.
So I went along to learn the ropes, but I couldn't quite get the hang of it...
Was I just procrasti-creating - that is, delaying my work on a major project by fooling around with a side project? After all, working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.  Gretchen Rubin - ‘Life in Five Senses’
Just FYI: If you take all the veins, artieries and capillaries from your body, and laid them end to end…  you will die.
Download Files
Surfers Sunrise Charter Photo Jan 1987
Upcoming Events
Chloe Chan - My National Youth Science Forum experience
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Jan 29, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Music in the Park - Paradise Point Parklands
Paradise Point Parklands
Feb 02, 2025
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Chanelle Morris, Disability Advocate
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Feb 12, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
On site meeting at PCYC Gold Coast
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Feb 26, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
View entire list
Photo Albums
Christmas Breakfast 2024
Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Vice President
Executive Secretary
Director - Club Administration
Director - Fundraising
Director - Service Projects
Chair - Wheelchairs Trust
Public Relations
Director - Membership
Director, Youth Services
Director -The Rotary Foundation
Coordinator Golf Day
Fellowship and Social Program
Liaison - Wheelchair Trust
Program Manager-Guest Speakers
Webmaster & Bulletin Ed
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Bulletin Editor
Franz Huber

Surfers Sunrise Corporate Members and Sponsors

Phone 07 5509 5502
Suite 224, Level 2 Oracle South
17 Elizabeth Avenue
Broadbeach  QLD  4218

Phone 1800 464 166 


Mariner Shores Club Ltd
 07 5535 2177
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