“Rotary is a miniature model of a world at peace, one which might advantageously be studied by nations. Rotarians believe that the universal application of tolerance and friendliness would bring about the international peace so earnestly desired by everyone. “ Words spoken over 50 years ago, on the 36th anniversary of Rotary, by its founder Paul Harris. Words still as relevant today as they were in 1941: Imagine, just for a moment, the effect of all world leaders truly applying the Four Way Test, at ALL TIMES…
Whilst this may seem to be highly desirable, this might be just as impossible to achieve as Karl Marx’s model of communism or Ayn Rand’s ideal of capitalism, outlined in her work ‘Atlas Shrugged’. Both models (and numerous others in between the two spectrums) work on the concept of everyone wanting to participate in the same ideal. Yet, some people want always to be influencing and leading, some people want just to be left alone, and some will always perceive the world to owe them a living.
When you joined Rotary, your welcome kit should have included a certificate of The Four Way Test, to display above your desk. Just make sure that it faces YOU.