Posted by Franz Huber on Feb 04, 2023
Last Saturday, workers from Vespa Holdings, a concrete specialist firm in Coomera, laid down the concrete slab at the front of our project shed in Arundel. And the workers provided their labour pro bono!  Thank you to the men, who wanted to remain unphotographed and unnamed... 
This work was one of the conditions laid down by the Gold Coast City Council to allow us to renew the lease on the shed for a further 5 years. Many people may not be aware of the fact that, although the rental charge is a so-called "peppercorn" lease, contrary to a commercial lease, the upkeep, as well as the enhancement of the property is the lessee's responsibility. So it is great to learn that Vespa Holdings has substantially contributed to keeping those costs low. (Photo by Bryan Tuesley)