
President's Message

Andy Bell
member photo
Gidday fellow members of Surfers Sunrise, Rotarians and friends,
We had our first meeting for the year last Wednesday. It was a ‘casual’ meeting but we had a good turnout. Our friend and fellow Rotarian from South Korea, Lee Dong Myeong and his wife turned up and I had an interesting conversation via Translator on the phone. He asked about our casual meetings and if I thought they were worthwhile.
It appears that no club in his area of Korea have them.  It made me think about it. I told him that I thought they were a great idea, they build fellowship and many club issues are raised and solved in an informal way. Our guest was impressed and thought it could work equally as well in his club. We wish Lee and his wife a safe trip home and look forward to catching up with them when the are next on the Gold Coast.
Peter Baruch, a past Pres of our club is leaving the Gold Coast after being here for almost 40 years. Peter is moving to Sydney to be nearer family.
i had hoped he would be able to join us on Wednesday to allow all who know him to bid him farewell, sadly he is unable to attend. Peter leaves on Thursday so if you get the chance give him a quick call. He is a great bloke and I will miss his smiling face. 
Finally my heart goes out to the people of Los Angeles. The level of destruction and loss of life is almost too horrendous to contemplate.
Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday morning.
 Remember - nothing changes if nothing changes.
Andy Bell 🔔
President 2024-25
This coming Wednesday 15/01/25: Next 6 months
This coming Wednesday 15th January, President Andy will summarize what happened at Surfers Sunrise in the first half year, and outline our plans for the next 6 months. Naturally, input from individual members is most welcome. This is the time to bring your ideas to light, suggest improvements and voice constructive criticisms!
You will also briefly meet Nick Butler, our nominee for the upcoming Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) camp.
January is Vocational Service Month
It is?? Well, Vocational Service doesn’t apply to me anymore; I’m retired!
You are? Well, look around you: a fair percentage of our club's members are “retired”. I use the inverted commas deliberately. Many are retired, but are as active as ever! At random, take a couple of retirees of our membership list: Ross Augustine: full bore into his new vocation of our club's Fundraising Director, a far cry from his former profession as a Pharmacist. Geoff Croad: probably busier now with running the Wheelchair Project than he was as a Real Estate Agent, when matchmaking prospective house sellers and buyers. There are several others, and we are all equally wondering how the hell we ever had time to go to work!
Several of our members have retired in the last 12 months or so, and do they ever deserve to “take a month of Sundays” to pursue activities that they never had time for when running a business. But, the overriding motto of Rotary is Service Above Self, and the part that specifically relates to Vocational Service is the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions. Might not be a bad idea to refresh your memory. Click on the link and read it, and if you are retired, particularly pay attention to item No 6. You might even want to download it!
Thank you, Surfers SLSC staff!
... I only just got hold of this photo.  Throughout the year, we enjoy the excellent service by the staff at the Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club, and we much appreciate it!
Photo: Doug Lipp, on behalf of our members, brought some chocolates to share among all.
Looking forward to another year of great coffee, bacon & eggs! 
Duty Roster
Duty Roster - note: subject to change - please check every week.  Note: Fellowship duty also is expected to be at the Project Shed on the Saturday following the meeting
15/01/2025Ashleigh SymesThomas Robinson
Al Sirovs
22/01/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
29/01/2024Ralph PownallPaul SeymourPaul Smith
05/02/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
12/02/2025Charles ThomassonNeil ThurlowChris Thurtell
19/02/2025N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)N/a (Social Meeting)
26/02/2025Trent BellingRoss AugustineSimon Brook
Inspirations - well, sort of... 150125
<-- holiday snaps...
I was trying on a new pair of shoes this morning, and told the shop assistant that they were too tight.
She said "you might want to try it with the tongue out"
"It'th nho ghood, it'th thtill thoo thight!"
People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it.  Frank Sinatra
The adjective for metal is metallic.
But not so for iron.
Which is ironic...
[OK, I'll see myself out...]
Download Files
Rotary Christmas Cakes 2024
Upcoming Events
Chloe Chan - My National Youth Science Forum experience
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Jan 29, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Chanelle Morris, Disability Advocate
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Feb 12, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
On site meeting at PCYC Gold Coast
Surfers Paradise SLSC
Feb 26, 2025
7:00 am – 8:30 am
View entire list
Photo Albums
Christmas Breakfast 2024
Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Vice President
Executive Secretary
Director - Club Administration
Director - Fundraising
Director - Service Projects
Chair - Wheelchairs Trust
Public Relations
Director - Membership
Director, Youth Services
Director -The Rotary Foundation
Coordinator Golf Day
Fellowship and Social Program
Liaison - Wheelchair Trust
Program Manager-Guest Speakers
Webmaster & Bulletin Ed
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Bulletin Editor
Franz Huber

Surfers Sunrise Corporate Members and Sponsors

Phone 07 5509 5502
Suite 224, Level 2 Oracle South
17 Elizabeth Avenue
Broadbeach  QLD  4218

Phone 1800 464 166 


Mariner Shores Club Ltd
 07 5535 2177
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